Most of our products are available in limestone and sandstone. Call our customer service center for more information on product availability. Our products are listed under 4 categories: Base Stone, Coarse Aggregate, Fine Aggregate & Manufactured Sand, and Specialty Products.
Base Stone
Base stone products are used beneath asphalt and concrete paving for parking lots and highways for stabilization. Base stone can be cement treated. WV Specifications: WV 3", WV CL 1, WV CL 2
Call our customer service center today and order base stone for your next project.
West Virginia Products: WV 3" CR, WV CL 1 (1.5" CR), WV CL 2 (3/4" CR), 1/2" Crusher Run
Virginia Products: 3" CR, VA # 25's (1.5" CR), VA #26's (3/4" CR), #21-B's, #21-A's
Coarse Aggregate
Coarse aggregates are typically used in asphalt and concrete mixes. They can be used for septic systems and for driveways. WV Specifications: WV #1, WV #3, WV #4, WV #467, WV #57, WV #67, WV #8
Fine aggregate and manufactured sand are used in different asphalt and concrete mixes. Many special projects require a sand or fine aggregate. Fine aggregates may also be used in slurry applications for snow and ice control on highways to ensure traction during inclement weather.
#10 (#4 - 0) Fine Sand, #9 (#4 - #16), Washed Sand, Standard #9 Abrasives, WV/VA Concrete Sand, #10
Specialty Products
Our specialty products include, but are not limited to Agricultural Lime, Rip-Rap, Shot-Rock, and large stone that can be used for logging or farm roads for heavy traffic in wet/muddy conditions.